Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Concluding Communiqué of the London Forum on the Future of Egypt
Media Statements

Concluding Communiqué of the London Forum on the Future of Egypt

The organisations that are signatory to this plea express their worries and deep sorrow for the fate of the human rights in Egypt post the introduction of a bundle of legal and constitutional changes put forward by the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP). These changes were passed in a referendum in which only 8% of the electoral votes made it to the ballot box- according to confirmation given by all monitors including judges- in a stark contradiction to the regime claims of unprecedented turn out, the latest of a string of ballot rigging and results’ falsification of elections and referenda over the past decades in an atmosphere that is far from being fair and transparent.

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Cairo: MB And US Embassy Deny Dialogue
Media Statements

Cairo: MB And US Embassy Deny Dialogue

The Muslim Brotherhood and the US embassy in Cairo denied any dialogue going on between the two parties.

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Jordan: IAF to Participate in Municipal Elections
Media Statements

Jordan: IAF to Participate in Municipal Elections

The executive office of the Islamic Action Front Party has decided to participate in the municipal elections, giving its objections to illegal violations. The following is the text of the statement

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Abo el Fotoh: Saddam Was Rushed To Execution in Flawed Trial
Media Statements

Abo el Fotoh: Saddam Was Rushed To Execution in Flawed Trial

Reacting to the news of Saddam Hussein’s execution, Dr. Abdel Moneum Abo el fotoh, member of the Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau

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Mashaal to Arab Rulers: Follow Chavez, Castro
Media Statements

Mashaal to Arab Rulers: Follow Chavez, Castro

Khalid Mashaal, the chairman of the politburo of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas accused undisclosed Palestinian parties of receiving US weapon and training, not for resistance, but for using them against other Palestinian parties.

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An Interview with Dr. M. S. Habeeb, the First Deputy Chairman of MB
Media Statements

An Interview with Dr. M. S. Habeeb, the First Deputy Chairman of MB

The Zionist aggression on Lebanon was planned even before the military action of Hezbollah in the south; Hezbollah killed some Zionists and kidnapped two soldiers. This military action was just a justification for the barbaric aggression on Lebanon.

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Worried About The Future, Mr. Akef’s Interview With Al-Ahram Weekly
Media Statements

Worried About The Future, Mr. Akef’s Interview With Al-Ahram Weekly

The Muslim Brotherhood"s Chairman Mohamed Mahdi Akef remains defiant in the face of a major security clampdown. The arrests of Brotherhood members, he tells Amira Howeidy, will not alter their path

The following interview was conducted before the National Democratic Party"s fourth convention and Pope Benedict"s controversial statements on Islam and the Prophet Mohamed.

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DR Morsi : MB has a Peaceful agenda
Media Statements

DR Morsi : MB has a Peaceful agenda

Dr. Mohamed Morsy, MB Executive Bureau Member, asserted that Muslim Brotherhood does not practice violence for achieving political ends and condemns it whether it comes from individuals ‚ groups or states and governments .

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Campaign Against Sexual Harassment
Media Statements

Campaign Against Sexual Harassment

Public sexual harassment against women has become a pervasive problem in Egypt and presents a significant obstacle both to women’s

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Al Ghannoushi: Latest Releases No Sign of Tunisian Rights Improvement
Media Statements

Al Ghannoushi: Latest Releases No Sign of Tunisian Rights Improvement

Rashed Al Ghannoushi, the head of the Tunisian Al Nahda Islamic movement confirmed that the latest releases carried out on Thursday, July, 26th, 2007, add nothing new to the Tunisian political status quo and that they don’t refer to any respect to human rights or political reform in Tunisia.

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