Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Stopping Israeli Holocaust in Gaza
Media Statements

Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Stopping Israeli Holocaust in Gaza

The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria called for stopping the massacres committed by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in Gaza describing the aggression against Palestinian civilians as a ’holocaust’.

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Statement on the Kidnapping of Chaldean Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho in Mosul
Media Statements

Statement on the Kidnapping of Chaldean Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho in Mosul

The Arab American Institute is outraged by the kidnapping of Paulos Faraj Rahho, Archbishop of Mosul, and the killing of three men in his party.

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Cairo Municipal Elections Without MBs
Media Statements

Cairo Municipal Elections Without MBs

Dr. Hazem Farouk, member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s parliamentary bloc, said no potential candidate managed to submit election papers to stand municipal elections in Cairo on Thursday, March 13.

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Brotherhood Chairman:Gov’t Attacks on Freedoms Unprecedented
Media Statements

Brotherhood Chairman:Gov’t Attacks on Freedoms Unprecedented

Mohamed Mahdi Akef, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) chairman, accused the Egyptian regime of violating the very basic rights and freedoms of its citizens in an unprecedented manner, which became evident in the latest government sponsored violence against citizens trying to practice their constitutional rights by running for elections or peacefully opposing the regime’s policies.

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Final Statement of Brussels Meeting on Egypt ’s Human Rights
Media Statements

Final Statement of Brussels Meeting on Egypt ’s Human Rights

The Belgian capital Brussels hosted on Thursday March, 20th, 2008, a conference about freedoms in Egypt . The conference, entitled " Human Rights In Egypt Uncertain Future ?!", was organized by the London Based Justice International, the Paris based Arab Commission for Human Rights and the Coalition for Freedom and Dignity in Brussels in addition to "Release40", the international campaign calling for releasing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders referred for the military court.

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Violette Daguerre’s Comments on the Military Tribunals
Media Statements

Violette Daguerre’s Comments on the Military Tribunals

The ACHR (Arab Committee for Human Rights) has taken a prior decision to watch the military tribunals of the MB due to the deteriorated conditions in Egypt and the deficient support of the MB court-martialed leaders by the international and Egyptian human rights societies; the ACHR specified certain time and effort to make the world realize the gross violations against the political and civil societies in Egypt.

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MB Demands Swift Investigations Into Suez Shooting, Offers Condolences to Families
Media Statements

MB Demands Swift Investigations Into Suez Shooting, Offers Condolences to Families

Dr. Mohamed Habib, deputy chairman of the MB, condemned the shooting of an Egyptian citizen and injuring two others in Suez Canal by US security personnel on board of the Global Patriot cargo ship on Monday, and called on Egyptian authorities to take necessary measures to prevent such incident from happening again

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Muslim Brotherhood denounces Geert Wilders’ film, calls for peaceful reactions
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood denounces Geert Wilders’ film, calls for peaceful reactions

Despite the flagrant violation of freedom of belief in Wilders’ speeches and his movie, Muslim Brotherhood statements called for avoiding riots and violent reactions and concentrating instead on a constructive dialogue with non-Muslims to refute the claims of Geert Wilders or anyone who misunderstands Islam.

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MB on Arab Summit: Absence of Some Arab Leaders is Poor Judgment
Media Statements

MB on Arab Summit: Absence of Some Arab Leaders is Poor Judgment

MB urged in a statement it released at the heel of convening the Arab Summit in Syria today the Arab leaders to rethink the current mechanisms through which the Arab Summits are usually held to make them more effective and to better serve the best interests of the people. The Muslim Brotherhood expressed its concern that the decision by several Arab leaders to ignore the summit and send low level delegations during this critical time is a sign of “serious defect” in their judgment, acc

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Katatny Calls on Gov’t to Address People’s Demands
Media Statements

Katatny Calls on Gov’t to Address People’s Demands

Strong criticism of the human rights situation in Egypt and the ongoing crackdown on opposition was the dominant theme of a speech delivered by Saad Al-Katatny, head of Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, at Cairo’s press syndicate on Thursday. Although the speech came on the sidelines of Sixth Cairo Conference against Occupation, it was dominated by anger at the status quo that followed the surprising results of 2005 parliament elections, in which the MB won 20% of seats despite wide

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