Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

MB Endorses April 6 Strike, But Will Not Sponsor it
Media Statements

MB Endorses April 6 Strike, But Will Not Sponsor it

In an interview with Ikhwanonline, Dr. Mahmoud Ezzat, MB General Secretary, clarified several questions about a clear MB stance regarding the strike on Sunday April 6, which is organized by several opposition groups and textile workers.

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Muslim Brotherhood Withdraws From Municipal Elections, Calls on Egyptians to Boycott the Vote
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Withdraws From Municipal Elections, Calls on Egyptians to Boycott the Vote

The Muslim Brotherhood decided it will be fruitless to compete with a handful of candidates who are living in fears and are not able to even campaign for their elections without the thoughts of being arrested and harassed by security forces.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Local Election Boycott
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Local Election Boycott

Before taking the decision of running for the local elections, the violent campaign of arresting members of the Muslim Brotherhood across Egypt began with accusing us of preparing for local elections, as if it is a crime. The regime threatened us with harsh verdicts against our dear brothers behind bars who are used as hostages by the regime and are tried by a military tribunal to force us to withdraw from elections.

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Menia MBs: Oppression Won’t Hinder Our Push for Reform
Media Statements

Menia MBs: Oppression Won’t Hinder Our Push for Reform

On Wednesday, Muslim Brotherhood at al-Menia governorates issue a statement conveying that they will continue their reform and change march despite of their exclusion from local elections by government

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Perversion of justice - 25 face jail in Egypt
Media Statements

Perversion of justice - 25 face jail in Egypt

An Egyptian military court sentenced 25 members of the opposition Muslim Brotherhood to jail on Tuesday - a verdict described by Amnesty International as a "perversion of justice".

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MB: Military Court Rulings Will Further Tarnish Egypt’s Reputation
Media Statements

MB: Military Court Rulings Will Further Tarnish Egypt’s Reputation

Dr, Mohamed Habib, first deputy chairman of the MB, has stressed that the decisions passed by the military tribunal against 40 MB leading figures are unjust and mainly political. He criticized the military court which issued the verdicts and called it fragile and inexperienced.

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MB Parliamentary Bloc Denounces Unjust Military Court Rulings
Media Statements

MB Parliamentary Bloc Denounces Unjust Military Court Rulings

The MB parliamentary bloc learned with shock the unjust decisions passed by the military tribunal against 25 MB leading figures who were sentenced for three up to ten years in prison

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MB Statement on the Military Decisions
Media Statements

MB Statement on the Military Decisions

Muslim Brotherhood has issue a statement condemning the military decisions passed against 25 MB leading figures; it stated:

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on May 4 Strike
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on May 4 Strike

Since the Executive Authority has turned a blind eye to all the calls for reform, the MB declares its endorsement of the call to stay at home next May 4, with the exception of those working in medical and public service institutions, and those who have exams in any educational institution.

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Muslim Brotherhood Congratulates Aljazeera and Sudan on the Release of Sami Al-Hajj
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Congratulates Aljazeera and Sudan on the Release of Sami Al-Hajj

Dr. Mohamed Habib, Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman, congratulated Aljazeera Satellite Channel and the neighboring country Sudan on the release of Sami Al Hajj, cameraman of Aljazeera who was released last Thursday after 6 years of suffering in the notorious Guantanamo prison.

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