Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Exporting Gas to Israel
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Exporting Gas to Israel

The Muslim Brotherhood is dismayed by the government’s decision to export gas to Israel at reduced prices at the time when Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) are committing daily massacres against the Palestinian people and the besieged Gaza strip.

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Appeal of one-year jail terms given to four Egyptian editors to be heard on World Press Freedom Day
Media Statements

Appeal of one-year jail terms given to four Egyptian editors to be heard on World Press Freedom Day

We, the undersigned 40 members and partners of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX), are concerned with the ongoing court case against four editors of independent newspapers in Egypt , who face one year in jail if they are not acquitted upon appeal

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El-Katatni: MB Endorses Sunday’s strike to Protest Political Corruption
Media Statements

El-Katatni: MB Endorses Sunday’s strike to Protest Political Corruption

Dr. Mohamed Saad El-Katatni, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Parliamentary bloc, confirmed in a press release that the Muslim Brotherhood’s decision to endorse May 4 strike is based on the belief that all citizens have the right to protest peacefully against the unprecedented corruption and political siege Egypt is witnessing under the current NDP regime.

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Habib: Muslim Brotherhood’s Endorsement of May 4 Strike Urged Gov’t to Raise Salaries
Media Statements

Habib: Muslim Brotherhood’s Endorsement of May 4 Strike Urged Gov’t to Raise Salaries

Though the call to stay at home on Sunday endorsed by the Muslim Brotherhood and Kifaya to protest political and economic crises was met with limited public participation, it has urged the government to consider some mechanisms to diffuse the public anger that preceded the strike, Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman said in a lengthy statement to Ikhwanweb on Sunday.

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MB Executive Bureau: Price Hikes Signal Regime Failure to Handle Economic Crises
Media Statements

MB Executive Bureau: Price Hikes Signal Regime Failure to Handle Economic Crises

Dr. Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau member, expressed his disappointment at the law, and said in a statement to Ikhwanweb that it indicates the failure of the regime to resolve economic problems. The government should have rather tried to eliminate corruption and monopoly, he said.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Recent Price Hikes
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Recent Price Hikes

The Muslim Brotherhood opposes the government’s decision to raise fuel prices which will inevitably lead to the deterioration of the majority’s living standards who are already suffering from soaring prices that threaten social stability.

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Statement: Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Ceasefire in Lebanon
Media Statements

Statement: Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Ceasefire in Lebanon

The Muslim Brotherhood expresses deep sorrow and concern over the ongoing infighting among Lebanese factions in Beirut. We fear that the situation will deteriorate, leading to dangerous disputes and bloodshed.

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Brotherhood MPs Condemn Barring Candidate From Seeking Vacant Seat
Media Statements

Brotherhood MPs Condemn Barring Candidate From Seeking Vacant Seat

The Egyptian regime continues it irresponsible practices against the constitution that add fuel to public discontent and diminish all hopes of reform and development.

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Hamas: The Palestinian people cannot be blamed if they break the siege
Media Statements

Hamas: The Palestinian people cannot be blamed if they break the siege

The Hamas Movement stated Saturday that the Israeli occupation turned the Gaza Strip into a dark tomb, warning that the Palestinian people cannot stay passive towards that and cannot be blamed if they break the siege by their own means.

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MB MP Holds Gov’t Responsible for Ranking Egypt -18 in Latest UNHRR
Media Statements

MB MP Holds Gov’t Responsible for Ranking Egypt -18 in Latest UNHRR

Mahmoud Amer (member of the MB parliamentary bloc) held the government responsible for rating Egypt (-18) in the latest United Nations Human Rights Report (UNHRR).

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