Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

MB MP Warns Against Revolution of the Hungry
Media Statements

MB MP Warns Against Revolution of the Hungry

Ahmad Abu Barakah (member of Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, and the Legislative Committee at the Egyptian People’s Assembly) held the government responsible for the astronomical price hikes that hit Egypt recently and have gone out of control.

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Statement: The Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Bush’s Visit
Media Statements

Statement: The Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Bush’s Visit

George Bush has headed to the region to share the Israeli occupation its 60th anniversary of usurping Palestinian land and expelling its residents with the complicity of the international community and weak Arab regimes.

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MB MP: Arab Dictatorships are the Real Nakba
Media Statements

MB MP: Arab Dictatorships are the Real Nakba

Ahmad Abu Baraka, Muslim Brotherhood MP, said in his seminar Friday on the Palestinian Nakba anniversary that dictatorship is the greatest Nakba that has hit the region over the last couple of decades.

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Akef Calls for Reconciliation among Lebanese Currents
Media Statements

Akef Calls for Reconciliation among Lebanese Currents

Mohammed Mahdy Akef, chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, confirmed that the best solution for the recent Lebanese crisis is through reconciliation among different Lebanese political currents.

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Protest against Emergency Law at Parliament
Media Statements

Protest against Emergency Law at Parliament

The National Committee defending prisoners of opinion is staging a protest today in front of the Egyptian People’s Assembly to protest extending the emergency law in Egypt.

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Bush’s speech to Dafus Economic Forum is “Provocative”, says MB MP
Media Statements

Bush’s speech to Dafus Economic Forum is “Provocative”, says MB MP

Dr. Mohamed Beltagi (Secretary General of the MB parliamentary bloc) has strenuously criticized the “provocative” speech delivered by U.S. President, George Bush, before Dafus World Economic Forum held in Sharm al-Sheikh.

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Media Statements


The American Islamic Congress today called on the Yemeni government to drop all charges against independent journalist Abdulkarim al-Khaiwani, who faces a sentencing hearing tomorrow that could result in the death penalty.

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Maat suggests that the Government may resign and Emergency Representatives may Lose Confidence.
Media Statements

Maat suggests that the Government may resign and Emergency Representatives may Lose Confidence.

Maat center followed up parliament sessions the day before yesterday- Sunday- the session, which witnessed the agree of the National Party’s majority on extending Emergency Law enforcement for the coming two years, while on the other side opposition representatives, independent representatives, and Muslim Brotherhood representatives refuse this extension.

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Biased Foreign Policy Will Not Serve US Interests: MB Executive Bureau
Media Statements

Biased Foreign Policy Will Not Serve US Interests: MB Executive Bureau

Dr. Mohamed Morsi, MB senior Executive Bureau member, said in a statement to Ikhwanweb that the unswerving bias of US presidential hopefuls towards Israeli occupation will not serve the interests of the American people.

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Habib Clarifies MB Stance towards Hamas, the Palestinian Cause
Media Statements

Habib Clarifies MB Stance towards Hamas, the Palestinian Cause

Ikhwanweb Conducted this interview with the deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mohamed Habib to elaborate the truth about the links between MB and Hamas, the stance toward the Palestinian cause, as well as how the movement views the international community’s demonization of Hamas.

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