Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Security Forces Storm More Muslim Brotherhood Bookstores
Media Statements

Security Forces Storm More Muslim Brotherhood Bookstores

State security forces stormed on Tuesday three bookstores owned by Muslim Brotherhood publishers in the Upper Egypt city of Asiut.

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Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman Clarifies Controversy Around U.S. Brotherhood
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman Clarifies Controversy Around U.S. Brotherhood

The interview with Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mohamed Habib published in Pajamas media on Sunday has stimulated several debates about the existence of the so called “Muslim Brotherhood fronts” in the US. Because the interview was misinterpreted by some observers, Dr. Habib responded with the following statement to Ikhwanweb,

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Akef Congratulates Muslims On Ramadan
Media Statements

Akef Congratulates Muslims On Ramadan

Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Mohamed Mahdy Akef congratulated Muslims throughout the world with the coming of the holy month of Ramadan, praying for God Almighty to bring Ramadan with blessings and peace to the entire Muslim and Arab nations.

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MB Deputy Chairman Slams Fierce Crackdown Against Muslim Brotherhood
Media Statements

MB Deputy Chairman Slams Fierce Crackdown Against Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman Dr. Mohamed Habib condemned the continuous state security raids against Muslim Brotherhood activists across the country ahead of Ramadan and on the first day of the holy month.

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Essam El-Erian Says Vote Rigging in Local Elections Exacerbated Slum Crises
Media Statements

Essam El-Erian Says Vote Rigging in Local Elections Exacerbated Slum Crises

Muslim Brotherhood Political Bureau Chairman Dr. Esam Al Erian said in a statement to Ikhwanweb that the humanitarian catastrophe in Al-Doweeqa slum area is due to the large-scale vote rigging in local elections.

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Al-Qaeda to Reward Assassins of Iraqi Muslim Brotherhood
Media Statements

Al-Qaeda to Reward Assassins of Iraqi Muslim Brotherhood

Abu Amr Al-Baghdadi, chief of the "Islamic State of Iraq" wing associated with Al-Qaeda Network, has launched war against the Iraqi Islamic Party (Muslim Brotherhood), presided by Tareq Al-Hashimi vice president of the Republic.

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Muslim Brotherhood Denounced 9/11, U.S. Reaction Fueled Anti-Americanism
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Denounced 9/11, U.S. Reaction Fueled Anti-Americanism

Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau member Dr. Mohamed Morsi said the Muslim Brotherhood was the first national force to denounce the tragic attacks of 9/11 because it both “denounces and eschews” violence against innocent civilians.

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Syria Brotherhood: Syrian Regime and Its Illegitimate Counterparts Will Collapse Soon
Media Statements

Syria Brotherhood: Syrian Regime and Its Illegitimate Counterparts Will Collapse Soon

In his statements to Ikhwanweb, head of Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood Ali Sadr-al-Din al-Bayanuni has stressed that the Syrian regime and others lacking the popular legitimacy may face the same scenario of Musharraf’s collapse.

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Call for Lifting MP’s Immunity Reveals Blatant Despotism, Ignorance: MPs Media Spokesman
Media Statements

Call for Lifting MP’s Immunity Reveals Blatant Despotism, Ignorance: MPs Media Spokesman

Media Spokesman of The Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary Bloc Dr. Hamdi Hassan stated to Ikhwanweb that the request to lift the parliamentary immunity of the MB Member of Parliament Hamdi Zahran by the president of Bany Sweif University Dr. Ahmad Refaat reveals “political ignorance” and “blatant despotism.”

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Tortured Ex-Colonel Case: Postponing Trial of Two Officers and Two Detectives
Media Statements

Tortured Ex-Colonel Case: Postponing Trial of Two Officers and Two Detectives

Al Ismailyya Criminal Court adjourned to November the trial of two police officers and two detectives at Al Ismailyya (second) police station, after accusing them of torturing the citizen Adel Al Shaer (ex- Colonel), treating him cruelly and causing him deficit in his ear by 80 %, according to medical reports.

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