Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

MB Press Release on the Brutal Israeli Assaults on Gaza
Media Statements

MB Press Release on the Brutal Israeli Assaults on Gaza

The MB strongly declares its refusal of these criminal attacks, terrorist practices, plots and conspiracies that are being plotted in the night against the Palestinian resistance, Hamas’ fighters, and their brothers in the remaining Palestinian factions.

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Akef Urges Arab, Muslim Rulers Take Joint Attitude Against Countries Blocking Gaza Ceasefire
Media Statements

Akef Urges Arab, Muslim Rulers Take Joint Attitude Against Countries Blocking Gaza Ceasefire

Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Mahdy Akef called on Arab and Muslim rulers to live up to their historical, moral, human and national responsibilities through taking a joint attitude against countries that block issuing a resolution that orders an immediate halt of the aggression on Gaza Strip.

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Muslim Brotherhood Demands Egyptian Regime Take Positive Measures for Gaza
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Demands Egyptian Regime Take Positive Measures for Gaza

In a press release Thursday, Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Mohamed Mahdi Akef called on the Egyptian regime to take positive measures against the ongoing Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip.

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Nine Pro-Gaza Demonstrators Arrested in Alexandria
Media Statements

Nine Pro-Gaza Demonstrators Arrested in Alexandria

Alexandria security forces arrested nine pro-Gaza demonstrators who participated in the protests organized by Alexandria’s Muslim Brotherhood last Saturday.

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Security Police Harasses Pro-Gaza Demonstrators in Damietta
Media Statements

Security Police Harasses Pro-Gaza Demonstrators in Damietta

Muslim Brotherhood in Damietta governorate organized a massive demonstration Sunday against the Israeli criminal massacres in Gaza. Some 20 thousands attended the demo.

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Ezzat: Rayan’s Martyrdom Increases Steadfastness
Media Statements

Ezzat: Rayan’s Martyrdom Increases Steadfastness

MB Secretary General Dr. Mahmoud Ezzat told Ikhwanweb that the martyrdom of Nizar Rayan, one of the top Hamas figures, increases the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of the atrocious Zionist aggression on Gaza.

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When The Legislative Authority Turns Into A Humanitarian Tragedy
Media Statements

When The Legislative Authority Turns Into A Humanitarian Tragedy

A legislative authority represents the people and is responsible for passing laws, legislations, systems, and bills that regulate all aspects of life for achieving the general interest. This is what gives a legislative authority its status of providing parliamentary protection to its people helping them to carry out their work without any pressure.

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Egypt Is Legally Obliged To Protect Gaza Civilians
Media Statements

Egypt Is Legally Obliged To Protect Gaza Civilians

by virtue of international humanitarian law and article 30 of the 4th Geneva Accord Egypt is obliged to protect Gaza civilians, send humanitarian relief and aid to them, open the Rafah crossings for the patients and war-wounded, and do all that is necessary to relieve the civilians of Gaza.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Egyptian Gaza Initiative
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Egyptian Gaza Initiative

First: the timing of the initiative coincided with the official Arab efforts seeking to pass a Security Council resolution. Though we expect nothing out of this Council that speaks only for the unjust Zionist American intentions, unfortunately, the Egyptian initiative is a lot less than the Arab bill proposed to the Security Council. It aims at saving the repulsive American face.

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Egypt Security Forces Assault, Detain Dozens Including Children Over Gaza Protests
Media Statements

Egypt Security Forces Assault, Detain Dozens Including Children Over Gaza Protests

Egyptian Central Security Forces assaulted and beat demonstrators who rallied in front of a North Sinai mosque after Friday Prayer and arrested about 30 of them.

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