Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Sharm El-Sheikh Summit
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Sharm El-Sheikh Summit

After the war criminals, the leaders of the Israeli entity, announced a unilateral cease-fire not including a withdrawal from Gaza strip- making the return to aggression against the innocent possible and proving the failure of their crazy campaign against the strong people of Gaza- we were surprised with President Mubarak’s invitation to an international summit in Sharm El-Sheikh to be attended by the French President, German Chancellor, Palestinian Authority Leader, Turkish President,

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MB Chairman: Hamas Gained a Real and Remarkable Victory
Media Statements

MB Chairman: Hamas Gained a Real and Remarkable Victory

Akef declared that martyrs blood will not go in vain; on the contrary, it paved the way and regained confidence of victory in the hearts of Palestinians and the hearts of resistance. This blood has proven that resistance is the only way to stop this aggression and regain back the plundered rights.

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Media Statements


MB Chair Mohamed Mahdi Akef will be addressing the nation today, Wednesday, at 1 p.m. on the latest Israeli threats of a new war on Gaza. The address will be given from the headquarters of the Executive Bureau at 20 El-Malik El-Saleh Street, Manyal El-Rawdah.

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MB Chair Congratulates Sheikh Ahmed on Presidency of Somalia
Media Statements

MB Chair Congratulates Sheikh Ahmed on Presidency of Somalia

MB Chair Mohamed Mahdi Akef sent his congratulations to new Somali President Sheikh Sherif Sheikh Ahmed asking God to grant him success and bless his efforts in reforming the country’s conditions and restoring peace, security, and stability to the Somali land.

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MB Chair To the Arab-Islamic People
Media Statements

MB Chair To the Arab-Islamic People

The criminal offensive in Gaza has not ended. Since the Israelis were forced to stop their military offensive without achieving any of their goals, a few military harassments here and there within the strip have continued and Israeli leadership threats of resuming the offensive and using unlimited force are escalating as Knesset elections near. As if leadership can only be attained at the expense of the skulls of children and women and Palestinian blood, a matter which warns of a new

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In Response to Published News on
Media Statements

In Response to Published News on "Global politician"

In response to the published news on internet, we strongly deny what came in the news and refuse using our name in a report about terrorism, targeting leading British Jew and advocating the destruction of Israel.

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A Bomb Blast Hits Egypt’s Stability
Media Statements

A Bomb Blast Hits Egypt’s Stability

An instant statement by MB Leader, Muhammad Mahdi Akef, that came to express Muslim brotherhood’s position on the blast as the leader said, ’ these bombings has nothing to do with religion and for whatever reasons this act was carried out it should be condemned and it shows lack of understanding on current affairs and religious beliefs.

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MB Statement on the increasing Zionist attempts to Judaize Jerusalem
Media Statements

MB Statement on the increasing Zionist attempts to Judaize Jerusalem

While Arabs are busy with their disputes, trying to make reconciliation between their governments and striving to hold the regular coming summit in Qatar, with the attendance of all member states, the Zionist carry out their attempts in “Judaizing Jerusalem” and evacuating it from original natives, Palestinians.

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Bi-Partisan Group of Prominent Scholars and Experts Urge President Obama to Make Democracy
Media Statements

Bi-Partisan Group of Prominent Scholars and Experts Urge President Obama to Make Democracy

More than 80 scholars and experts-including Egyptian democracy activist Saad Eddin Ibrahim and former deputy prime minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim -are urging President Obama to adopt a consistent and credible policy that supports democracy in the Arab and Muslim world. The group will formally issue an open letter to the president at a news conference Tuesday, March 10, at 2:30 p.m. at the National Press Club in Washington.

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MB Calls On Arab Leaders To Support Palestinians, Unleash Liberties
Media Statements

MB Calls On Arab Leaders To Support Palestinians, Unleash Liberties

The MB also called on providing the desired support for Palestinians, activating the rebuilding of Gaza, and working towards achieving Palestinian conciliation especially after the failure of the settlement process which is colliding today with solid wall of the Israeli racist and extreme rightists, and standing by Sudan for the sake of its unity and advancement, and for the sake of Arab national security

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