Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Hishmat: Forcing Worshippers Out Of Mosque
Media Statements

Hishmat: Forcing Worshippers Out Of Mosque "Outrageous"

In his statements to Ikhwanweb, Brotherhood leading figure Dr. Mohamed Gamal Hishmat said that the security apparatus had crossed their red lines when they invaded worshippers’ privacy in the mosque in Damanhur city where people had retreated to spiritual worship.

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Syria Muslim Brotherhood Denounces Damascus Bombing
Media Statements

Syria Muslim Brotherhood Denounces Damascus Bombing

General Supervisor of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood Ali Bayanouni denounced in a statement to Ikhwanweb the car bombing that hit the Syrian capital Damascus on Saturday leaving at least 17 killed, all of whom are civilians.

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Europe’s Muslims Urge Obama
Media Statements

Europe’s Muslims Urge Obama "Overcome the Mistakes of the Past"

On behalf of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, I congratulate you on winning the trust of the American people, who chose you to be the 44th President of the United States of America.

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MB Chairman Calls for Ending Gaza Siege
Media Statements

MB Chairman Calls for Ending Gaza Siege

In his weekly message, MB Chairman, Mohamed Mahdi Akef called upon governments, and Arab and Islamic peoples to act quickly to lift the blockade imposed on the Palestinian people in Gaza.

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Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman Insists on Palestinians’ Right to Return
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman Insists on Palestinians’ Right to Return

In a press statement, MB Vice-Chair Dr. Mohamed Habib confirmed that Palestinians’ right to return to their homelands and restore their possessions is an authentic and legitimate one that should not be compromised, ignored, or violated no matter what.

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CCIM condemns the terror attacks
Media Statements

CCIM condemns the terror attacks

Coordination Committee of Indian Muslims, which consists of leading Muslim organizations like the All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat, Jamiat Ulama-e Hind, Jamaat-e Islami Hind, Jamiat Ahl-e Hadees, All India Milli Council etc, condemned the recent beastly terror attacks in Mumbai. While paying tribute to those killed in the attacks, the committee demanded a high-level transparent, unbiased and truthful enquiry into these attacks so that the real culprits might be brought to book soon

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Abul-Futouh:  Gamal Abdel-Salam’s Arrest an Offense to Relief Activists
Media Statements

Abul-Futouh: Gamal Abdel-Salam’s Arrest an Offense to Relief Activists

Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Medical Doctors and Member of the MB Executive Bureau Dr. Abdul-Mon’em Abul-Futouh criticized the arrest of Dr. Gamal Abdel-Salam, Head of the Emergency and Relief Committee in the Union, considering it "a big offense and inhumane message to any humanitarian worker."

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MB Calls For Release of Gaza Relief Detainees
Media Statements

MB Calls For Release of Gaza Relief Detainees

The Muslim Brotherhood called for the immediate release of the Gaza relief detainees who have reached around 200 MB members.

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Muslim Brotherhood Wishes Christians Merry Christmas
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Wishes Christians Merry Christmas

The Muslim Brotherhood wishes Christians all over the world a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

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Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Gaza, Blames Arab Regimes
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Gaza, Blames Arab Regimes

Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman Mohamed Habib slammed the deadly attacks on Gaza that were launched by Israeli occupation on Saturday leaving dozens dead and wounded.

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