Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

MB Statement on the “Day of Rage” April 6th, 2009
Media Statements

MB Statement on the “Day of Rage” April 6th, 2009

The MB, whose roots extend all across Egypt, the honorable people of Egypt and their elected representatives in the parliament, which the regime has deprived of its role and influence, all affirm their fixed stance regarding Egyptian people’s right to enjoy their legal and constitutional rights.

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Egypt; Interior Ministry mobilizes its forces to face two students
Media Statements

Egypt; Interior Ministry mobilizes its forces to face two students

The Arabic Network for Human rights information (ANHRI) condemned renewing the detention of the students Sarah Rezk and Amina Taha for another fifteen days. The network also condemns the ministry as it did not take any procedures against the state security officers who assaulted the two students during and after arrest. Moreover, Sarah and Amina faced really bad conditions in the cell of Kafr El-shiekh police station, where they are being held. Each one of the two young women was handc

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MB Statement on One Year Mark of Military Sentences Against Frontline MB Leaders
Media Statements

MB Statement on One Year Mark of Military Sentences Against Frontline MB Leaders

On the occasion of the one year mark since the issuance of military sentences against MB’s top leaders including Khayrat El-Shater, Second Vice-Head of the MB Chair, the MB issued a statement in which they expressed their support for their leaders behind bars

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MB:  Egyptian National Security Can’t Be Bid On
Media Statements

MB: Egyptian National Security Can’t Be Bid On

Following up on the current events, the MB is aware that among its duties is to clarify its position regarding the developments taking place at the internal, regional, and global levels as well as its stance on the Arab-Zionist conflict.

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Political Powers Statement on Judaization of Jerusalem
Media Statements

Political Powers Statement on Judaization of Jerusalem

The Islamic and Arab world, even the whole world observe what commit Zionist occupier on genocide, desolation in Palestinian territories, besides the suffocating siege against Palestinians in order to subdue, subjugate, humiliate

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MB Chair: Netanyahu Not Welcomed In Egypt
Media Statements

MB Chair: Netanyahu Not Welcomed In Egypt

MB Chair Mohamed Mahdi Akef refused the visit of “Israeli terrorist” Benjamin Netanyahu to Egypt “at a time when the hands of Israelis and their political and military leadership remain stained by the blood of our Palestinian brothers in Gaza,” and while criminal and brutal violations committed by the Israeli occupation continue in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

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Somali MB Calls For Dialogue and Immediate Cease-Fire
Media Statements

Somali MB Calls For Dialogue and Immediate Cease-Fire

The movement also stressed in its statement the importance of “working together to achieve peace and national accord in Somalia, primarily the capital,” as well as the importance of “working with international organizations delivering aid to the harmed and bringing residents back to their homes.”

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Ban Ki Moon: the Gaza blockade is devastating the population
Media Statements

Ban Ki Moon: the Gaza blockade is devastating the population

The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, said on Thursday "the Gaza blockade is devastating the population and achieving little in security and political terms," during his monthly press conference.

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Katatni: Our stance From Women is Clear And No One Can Outbid Us
Media Statements

Katatni: Our stance From Women is Clear And No One Can Outbid Us

Katatni stressed that Egyptian women are strong, hard working and positive. They have their own experiences and are determined to participate as we have seen how women climbed the stairs in the third stage of the last Parliamentary elections in order to be able to cast their votes, pointing out that more than 500 women have applied for elections, but could not submit their papers, blaming the policy of exclusion for not permitting women.

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Statement of MB on the Fierce Security Attack on Leaders and Members of the Group
Media Statements

Statement of MB on the Fierce Security Attack on Leaders and Members of the Group

The Muslim Brotherhood movement wholeheartedly announces their adamant stance of continuing their missionary course despite the malice, injustice and violence perpetrated by wrong-doers. We will however, maintain our peaceful reformist method, no matter what the pressures are despite the constraints and restrictions placed. The Muslim Brotherhood emphasized that the plots and conspiracies of Zionists and those who seek alliance with the U.S. and Zionists will not deter them.

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