Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Sawasya: demands respect for freedom and the  judiciary.
Media Statements

Sawasya: demands respect for freedom and the judiciary.

Sawasya Center for Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination called for a constitutional amendment which would allow the freedom to develop political parties, trade unions, associations and all forms of peaceful and civil organizations.

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Commit a sin twice and it will not seem a crime
Media Statements

Commit a sin twice and it will not seem a crime

Lieberman listed his beliefs of instability with accusations that the threat for the Palestinian Authority is not from Israel but rather Hamas and Jihad, and the real threat for the Hariri coalition in Lebanon is not Israel, but Hezbollah and the biggest threat for Egypt is not Israel, but the Muslim Brotherhood.

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Abdul Monem Abdul Maqsoud: 231 Innocent  Muslim Brotherhood  members behind bars during
Media Statements

Abdul Monem Abdul Maqsoud: 231 Innocent Muslim Brotherhood members behind bars during

Defense lawyer for the Muslim Brotherhood movement Abdul Monem Abdul Maqsoud revealed that the number of the movement's members who were to spend "Eid" (Muslim celebration for the end of Ramadan) behind bars reached 231 detainees.

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Mohamed Helal's passing saddens the Muslim Brotherhood Movement.
Media Statements

Mohamed Helal's passing saddens the Muslim Brotherhood Movement.

Mohamed Mahdy Akef chairman of the Muslim brotherhood movement expressed his sorrow on the death of Mr Mohamed Helal member of the Executive Bureau to the Arab and Muslim world.

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Sabri: Israeli break-ins at the Aqsa Mosque intended for dividing it
Media Statements

Sabri: Israeli break-ins at the Aqsa Mosque intended for dividing it

Sheikh Ekrema Sabri, the preacher of the Aqsa Mosque, warned Saturday that the repeated attempts by extremist Israeli settlers to storm the holy Mosque is aimed to sense the reaction of the Palestinian people before implementing plans to divide it as they had done with the Ibrahimi Mosque.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Yemen’s Saada incidents
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Yemen’s Saada incidents

Like all Arabs and Muslims around the world, the Muslim Brotherhood has witnessed with pain and sorrow the escalation of fighting in Yemen’s Saada between the sons of the same country.

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Muslims all over the world must unite and voice their objections and protest to these despicable acts of the IOF
Media Statements

Muslims all over the world must unite and voice their objections and protest to these despicable acts of the IOF

The Muslim Brotherhood will not stand and witness the indecent and barbaric violations committed on the Aqsa'a sacredness; it is the duty of Muslims all over the world to unite and voice their objections and protest to these despicable acts of the Israeli occupation force.

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Habib: IOF and the U.S. administration behind recent wave of arrests
Media Statements

Habib: IOF and the U.S. administration behind recent wave of arrests

Dr. Habib has attributed these media campaigns promoted by the Israel occupation forces and arrests of the Brotherhood leaders, including Dr. Aboul-Fotouh and his brothers, in order to prevent relief and charitable work in the Gaza Strip

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Mufti of Palestine warns of massacre inside the Aqsa Mosque
Media Statements

Mufti of Palestine warns of massacre inside the Aqsa Mosque

The Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, has warned of an Israeli massacre in lines of Palestinian worshippers in the Aqsa Mosque.

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Jordan: IAF condemn the deafening silence of Arab leaders over invasion by Israelis troops of the Aqsa Mosque.
Media Statements

Jordan: IAF condemn the deafening silence of Arab leaders over invasion by Israelis troops of the Aqsa Mosque.

The Islamic Action Front in Jordan organized a sit-in condemning the barbaric invasion by Jewish radicals and Israeli troops of Al-Aqsa mosque last week.

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