Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Abdul Monem Abdul Maksoud: The continued detention of Abul Fotouh is nothing but a settling of scores.ِ
Media Statements

Abdul Monem Abdul Maksoud: The continued detention of Abul Fotouh is nothing but a settling of scores.ِ

The Supreme Court in Cairo today ordered for the unjust renewal of Dr Abdul Monem Abul Fotouh, Dr Gamal Abdul Salam, Eng. Ahmed Ali Abbas, and Eng. Khaled Alsayed Beltagy a further fifteen days. Reda Fahmy one of the movement's leaders was issued a release order.

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Justice subverted:  7th session of MB leaders before military courts
Media Statements

Justice subverted: 7th session of MB leaders before military courts

Arab Commission has followed with grave concern the obstacles concerning the military tribunal of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the renowned case known as No. 963 of 2006 Criminal Court registered at the Military Prosecutor General’s Office file No. 2 of 2007 in which 18 Egyptians are still serving harsh prison sentences.

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MB chairman calls for the halt of blood spilling between Yemenis and Saudis.
Media Statements

MB chairman calls for the halt of blood spilling between Yemenis and Saudis.

Chairman of MB beseeched the Saudi Arabian King to bring to an end the fighting with the Yemenis which has been going on for some time.

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Mr. President: Turn Away From War
Media Statements

Mr. President: Turn Away From War

According to press reports, you intend to decide between November 7 and November 11 whether or not to send tens of thousands of American soldiers to Afghanistan.

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Silent And Inactive
Media Statements

Silent And Inactive

Speech by George Galloway MP at the War Crimes Conference & Exhibition that took place at the Putra World Trade Center in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 28th October 2009.

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MB Chairman calls on Yemen’s rival parties to end fighting and to resume dialogue.
Media Statements

MB Chairman calls on Yemen’s rival parties to end fighting and to resume dialogue.

Mr. Mohamed Mahdi Akef, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, called on the Yemeni people to unite and meet together for dialogue to overcome their problems in order to maintain Yemen's stability, unity and integrity.

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Nofal: Settlement activities intended for imposing a status quo in W.B and J'lem
Media Statements

Nofal: Settlement activities intended for imposing a status quo in W.B and J'lem

Hamas lawmaker Emad Nofal stated Sunday that the escalating Israeli settlement expansion is aimed at imposing a status quo in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem in order to make it difficult for the Palestinians to talk about their independent state.

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Hamas: Talk about a near exchange deal premature
Media Statements

Hamas: Talk about a near exchange deal premature

The Hamas Movement has described the media reports on a near prisoners' exchange deal between Israel and the Palestinian resistance factions capturing Gilad Shalit as "premature".

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The Muslim Brotherhood condemns barbaric bombings in Somalia.
Media Statements

The Muslim Brotherhood condemns barbaric bombings in Somalia.

In an exclusive statement to Ikhwanonweb, Dr Mohamed Habib deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood condemns the latest criminal and barbaric bombings targeting innocent Somali citizens. The bombings have also been aimed at national Somali resistance in an attempt to upset stability in the region.

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Egyptian Dr. Halafawy among 500 of the world's most influential Muslims.
Media Statements

Egyptian Dr. Halafawy among 500 of the world's most influential Muslims.

In an exclusive interview nominee for 500 of the world's most influential Muslims Egyptian Dr. Jehan Halafawy stresses the importance of women's role in the political and Islamic arena.

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