Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

MB MPs call for the investigating of the killing of the Egyptian Soldier.
Media Statements

MB MPs call for the investigating of the killing of the Egyptian Soldier.

In a written statement, the Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary bloc denounced the killing of the Egyptian soldier at the borders between Egypt and Gaza.

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Muslim Brotherhood hold world-wide press conference to announce the 8th Chairman
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood hold world-wide press conference to announce the 8th Chairman

Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Mr Mohamed Mahdi Akef announced that his last weekly statement as the Brotherhood's 7th Chairman will be delivered in a world-wide press conference scheduled to be held Thursday January 14, 2010.

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Letter from the MB  New Chairman Mohammed Badie'
Media Statements

Letter from the MB New Chairman Mohammed Badie'

As you are aware, the main goal of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MB) is comprehensive modification, which deals with all kinds of corruption through reform and change. "I only desire (your) betterment to the best of my power; and my success (in my task) can only come from Allah.” (Hud-88) and through cooperation with all powers of the nation and those with high spirits who are sincere to their religion and nation.

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MB Chairman thanks press for attending and covering conference.
Media Statements

MB Chairman thanks press for attending and covering conference.

Dr Mohamed Badie expressed his gratitude to the press who covered the conference stressing that he believed that their honest coverage of MB news will continue.

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The Muslim Brotherhood's statement on the earthquake in Haiti.
Media Statements

The Muslim Brotherhood's statement on the earthquake in Haiti.

Badie has stressed that the aftermath to the 7.0 magnitude earthquake, which struck, in Haiti has been closely followed where it has completely devastated Port-au-Prince leaving hundreds of thousands trapped under the rubble adding "over the past week the world has seen the haunting and heart breaking images coming out of Haiti".

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Diaa Rashwan: Brotherhood teaches ruling regime a valuable lesson.
Media Statements

Diaa Rashwan: Brotherhood teaches ruling regime a valuable lesson.

Expert Diaa Rashwan from Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies expressed that the transfer of authority in the Muslim Brotherhood Movement that was recently witnessed was truly an example for all to learn.

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MB statement regarding latest Israeli oppression.
Media Statements

MB statement regarding latest Israeli oppression.

The Israel authorities opened the dam's floodgates without any warning or coordination with local authorities in Gaza, stunning the residents of the area where there has been heavy rain in the region over the past 24 hours.

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Haneyya: The reconciliation won't succeed until there is free Palestinian will
Media Statements

Haneyya: The reconciliation won't succeed until there is free Palestinian will

Palestinian premier Ismail Haneyya stated Tuesday that the national reconciliation efforts will not succeed until the Palestinian will becomes independent and free from external pressures and dictates.

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In response to the rumours of giving up politics
Media Statements

In response to the rumours of giving up politics

The new MB Chairman Dr. Mohamed Badie refuted the idea that the MB would lessen its political participation abandoning political work, describing this as baseless predictions.

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Egypt's Brotherhood calls for the end of violence and bloody clashes in Nigeria.
Media Statements

Egypt's Brotherhood calls for the end of violence and bloody clashes in Nigeria.

Islam calls for openmindedness and tolerance and indifferences must not be blamed on intolerant Muslims.

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