Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

A Statement Clarifying the Real Situation at
Media Statements

A Statement Clarifying the Real Situation at

The website has enjoyed editorial independence from its birth, by extricating its editorial content from its funding and sponsorship.

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Badie calls  on Arab and Muslim leaders and royalty during summit
Media Statements

Badie calls on Arab and Muslim leaders and royalty during summit

Badie: It is time to unite and put aside Arab differences in the hope that Muslims regain their freedom and restore their status position

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MB chairman dispatches welcoming telegraph to President Mubarak
Media Statements

MB chairman dispatches welcoming telegraph to President Mubarak

Dr Mohamed Badie MB Chairman has sent a telegraph to Egyptian president Mohamed Hosni Mubarak

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on the Violations by State Security Officers
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on the Violations by State Security Officers

As the whole world is moving towards further democracy and human rights, especially for women and children, and the additional carrying out of international conferences for this, Egypt is facing serious human rights violations carried out by State Security Officers.

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MB MPs statement of non-acceptance of state budget
Media Statements

MB MPs statement of non-acceptance of state budget

Members of the Muslim Brotherhood's parliamentary bloc in the People's Assembly issued a statement on the approval of the ruling party's parliamentary majority on the final accounts of the state budget.

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Egypt: Urgent statement about police brutality against female MB student in Beheira
Media Statements

Egypt: Urgent statement about police brutality against female MB student in Beheira

"What happened indicates that it is becoming a general trend by the regime as police maltreat male and female university students warning that these measures will provoke counter-violence.

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Hamas: Arresting Zionist war criminals is a must
Media Statements

Hamas: Arresting Zionist war criminals is a must

The Hamas Movement has asserted on Friday that Israeli policy of committing massacres against the Palestinian people was a reflection of the Israeli arrogance that aims at uprooting the Palestinian people from their homeland.

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Morsy: The MB will continue their plea for reform and welcome all who wish to support the call
Media Statements

Morsy: The MB will continue their plea for reform and welcome all who wish to support the call

The Muslim Brotherhood's call for political reform continues with their initiative of open discussion with political opposition parties, and trends.

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Egypt : Unjustified renewal order for MB Executive Bureau member and 10 others
Media Statements

Egypt : Unjustified renewal order for MB Executive Bureau member and 10 others

For the fourth consecutive time, the Supreme State Security Prosecution extended the custody of MB leader and member of the Executive Bureau, Dr. Osama Nasr El-Din and 10 other MB for a further 15 days.

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MB Chairman calls for the release of all political prisoners
Media Statements

MB Chairman calls for the release of all political prisoners

Dr. Mohammed Badie, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), called on President Mubarak to use his constitutional powers to release all political prisoners unjustly detained, including detainees of military tribunals.

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