Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

MB MP demands immediate release of Security hostages
Media Statements

MB MP demands immediate release of Security hostages

An urgent statement to the Minister of Interior demands the immediate release of the state security's most recent hostages.

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Haneyya: No cover for negotiations
Media Statements

Haneyya: No cover for negotiations

Palestinian premier Ismail Haneyya said that his government would not support any negotiations with the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) whether secret or public and whether direct or indirect.

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Zahhar asks for practical Arab steps to rebuild Gaza
Media Statements

Zahhar asks for practical Arab steps to rebuild Gaza

Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, a political bureau member of Hamas, has asked the Arab countries to adopt practical decisions during their upcoming summit in Libya to rebuild the devastated Gaza Strip.

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Muslim Brotherhood's Statement on IOF War Crimes against Holy Sites
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood's Statement on IOF War Crimes against Holy Sites

The MB movement condemns the storming of the Aqsa Mosque, the desecration of its courtyards, and the attack on the worshipers and continuing offense in which the whole world is responsible for.

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MB Chairman: Sacrifice is the first road to victory
Media Statements

MB Chairman: Sacrifice is the first road to victory

Dr. Mohammed Badie, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement, declared that true hope for change depends on the people's will and whether or not they are prepared to sacrifice

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Arab League chief says Mideast talks off
Media Statements

Arab League chief says Mideast talks off

Arab League chief Amr Moussa said on Wednesday that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had told him he would not enter indirect talks with Israel, only days after the Palestinian side had agreed to the contacts as reported by sources.

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Egypt : 42 electoral candidates and 145 protestors arrested in one day
Media Statements

Egypt : 42 electoral candidates and 145 protestors arrested in one day

Muslim Brotherhood leaders were arrested from their homes earlier this morning. After Friday prayers today, 53 protestors were arrested outside Abu Magda Mosque in Al-Ismaliya and 70 more in Maidan Al-Sharqiya, of which eight are women, following demonstrations against the blockading Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem by Israeli forces earlier today.

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Urgent Call for the Release of Abdul Hafeez Abdulrahman and Nadira Abdu
Media Statements

Urgent Call for the Release of Abdul Hafeez Abdulrahman and Nadira Abdu

SHRC calls for the immediate release of the two activists in Syrian prisons and interrogation centres.

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Egypt: Release orders ignored for 21 Muslim Brotherhood leaders; issues administrative detention orders
Media Statements

Egypt: Release orders ignored for 21 Muslim Brotherhood leaders; issues administrative detention orders

Following the Prosecutors' release orders, the Egyptian Ministry of Interior immediately issued administrative orders for their arrest - orders issued by the executive branch of the government, as opposed to the Judiciary, and therefore without any legal basis. Alkarama condemns this use of administrative detention to detain political opponents, and calls for the immediate release of these 21 individuals.

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Qaradawi urges summit to embark on withdrawal of Arab peace initiatives
Media Statements

Qaradawi urges summit to embark on withdrawal of Arab peace initiatives

Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi chairman of the International Union for Muslim Scholars pushed for the upcoming Arab League summit scheduled for the end of this month in Libya’s capital Tripoli to give the Israeli aggression on Jerusalem top priority on its agenda and withdraw the Arab peace initiative

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