Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Badie to Reuters: MB  condemns violence in all its forms and calls for a united front to combat intolerance
Media Statements

Badie to Reuters: MB condemns violence in all its forms and calls for a united front to combat intolerance

Badie to Reuters: MB opposes and condemns violence in all its forms and calls for a united front to combat intolerance.

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Chairman: Unity will successfully combat corruption and oppression.
Media Statements

Chairman: Unity will successfully combat corruption and oppression.

In his weekly statement Dr Badie chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood concentrated on the significance of the Islamic world to liberate itself from any foreign oppression.

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MB Chairman: al-Banna laid the foundations for the nation's development
Media Statements

MB Chairman: al-Banna laid the foundations for the nation's development

Dr. Mohammed Badi, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), stressed that the martyr Imam Hassan al-Banna, founder of the group and its first leader did not die. He still present in the presence of the men he brought up. The weak body which was exhausted in the trips for the sake of Allah might be gone, but the spirit is still among the righteous ones who work for the cause all around the globe.

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Morsy: Egypt 's ruling regime to compensate its legitimacy to rule by using violence against its own citizens
Media Statements

Morsy: Egypt 's ruling regime to compensate its legitimacy to rule by using violence against its own citizens

Dr. Morsy stressed that Egypt's regime always resort to repression against Egypt’s peaceful opposition which is seeking reform and restore the country’s national identity and its stand in the Arab world after decades of failed policies and dictatorship.

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A Statement by the MB on the fierce attacks against MB members
Media Statements

A Statement by the MB on the fierce attacks against MB members

The MB asserted that these arrests would not change the path they have chosen for the development of the nation and they will continue their struggle with all available peaceful means to promote freedoms and counter corruption and tyranny.

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A New Police Crackdown At Muslim Brothers Leaders And University Professors
Media Statements

A New Police Crackdown At Muslim Brothers Leaders And University Professors

The Arabic Network for Human Rights today strongly denounced the escalating campaign against members and activists of Muslim Brothers in Egypt, as security arrested about 15 members of the group, including Mahmoud Ezzat, deputy group leader .

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Badie: Al-Banna's amazing foresight.
Media Statements

Badie: Al-Banna's amazing foresight.

Chairman of the MB Dr. Mohammed Badie delivered his weekly statement with high spirits despite the numerous arrests that have taken place against members of the groups ranks.

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MB lashes out against Egypt gov’t over terror charges
Media Statements

MB lashes out against Egypt gov’t over terror charges

“The MB is based on reform on the basis of correct and complete Islam through all and any peaceful means,” the statement said.

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Dr.Morsy : The continuous arrests and host of unjust accusations against the MB  will not benefit the nation
Media Statements

Dr.Morsy : The continuous arrests and host of unjust accusations against the MB will not benefit the nation

Press spokesman for the MB Dr Mohamed Morsy asserted that the recent arrests on a large number of the Muslim Brotherhood's senior members was an evident indication of the real plight and impending collapse facing the ruling regime.

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The American-Israeli anti-Islam Project
Media Statements

The American-Israeli anti-Islam Project

The American supported Israeli power seeks to pass its global plan to obliterate the Palestinian right through unconditional negotiations. At the same time people in Iraq and Afghanistan are drowning in their blood and suffering from extreme political chaos.

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