Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Let’s stand together as one, in the face of pressures, and against displacement
Media Statements

Let’s stand together as one, in the face of pressures, and against displacement

As the aggression against Gaza embarks on a new phase of brutality and genocide, amid persistent endeavours to forcibly displace the people of Gaza and push them into Egypt, and exercising much pressure to achieve such end – we reaffirm our stance, along with all popular and political forces, of rejecting the displacement scenario, as we consider it a red line.

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Muslim Brotherhood Appreciates  Gaza Truce and Mediation Efforts
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Appreciates Gaza Truce and Mediation Efforts

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) appreciates the Gaza humanitarian truce that was reached today, Wednesday, between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the Zionist entity, noting that the accord was concluded under the impact of the resistance’s blows and its performance on the battlefield

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We still have a lot to do; and we definitely can do a lot
Media Statements

We still have a lot to do; and we definitely can do a lot

We have recurrently emphasized the significance and seriousness of the Egyptian role towards Palestine, by virtue of the historical, religious, geographical, and legal responsibility. Therefore, we once again demand reconsideration of the Egyptian position, as we dissociate Egypt from being a partner in the liquidation of the Palestinian cause, through blockading the Gaza Strip, forcibly displacement of its people, or allowing the elimination of the resistance, which is the first defence line of Egypt itself. Therefore, we call for opening the Rafah crossing and adhering to rejection of the Palestinians’ displacement scenario.

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Acting MB General Guide’s  Messages to Muslim Rulers on Palestine
Media Statements

Acting MB General Guide’s Messages to Muslim Rulers on Palestine

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Praise be to Allah, Alone; He was true to His promise: supported His servant; gave might to His soldiers; and defeated the Confederates alone. And may peace and blessings be upon the Master of Allah’s Messengers, Imam of Mujahideen, and Commander of believers – Prophet Mohamed; and upon all his kinsfolk, companions, and followers.

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Open Statement to the Arab Summit
Media Statements

Open Statement to the Arab Summit

﴾… And those who gave shelter and aided - it is they who are the believers, truly. For them is forgiveness and noble provision.﴿ (Al-Anfal: 74) Your Majesties, Excellencies, and Highnesses: Arab Presidents, Kings, Princes Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you

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On the anniversary of the demise of Mr. Ibrahim Munir
Media Statements

On the anniversary of the demise of Mr. Ibrahim Munir

Today marks the first anniversary of the demise of Mr. Ibrahim Munir, the former acting Muslim Brotherhood General Guide (may Allah have mercy on him), as he passed away on 4 November 2022, after a history replete with Da’wa, jihad, and sacrifice.

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Choosing between  honour and duty rolls,  or disgrace and treason annals
Media Statements

Choosing between honour and duty rolls, or disgrace and treason annals

Today, the Zionist enemy stormed the Gaza Strip and committed a human massacre against civilians in the Jabalia camp, where hundreds of Palestinians were martyred, with the death smell spreading everywhere, in clear defiance of the international community and the United Nations General Assembly

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MB Statement on Escalation of Aggression on Gaza
Media Statements

MB Statement on Escalation of Aggression on Gaza

“Rejoice! We are on the verge of a ‘victory or martyrdom’ entitlement” In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful ﴾Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to

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Muslim Brotherhood ’s Call for Demonstration of Popular Rage, on Friday
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood ’s Call for Demonstration of Popular Rage, on Friday

The Zionist occupation has gone too far in its unfair aggression against our brothers in Palestine; its crimes have exceeded all limits; and its cruelty have gone beyond definitions of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocides.

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Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on  Al-Mamdani Hospital Massacre in Gaza
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on Al-Mamdani Hospital Massacre in Gaza

﴾And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision. Rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have

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